Wednesday, December 26, 2007

21 Weeks

My Baby
By the end of this week, your baby will measure about 7 inches from crown to rump and tip the scales at nearly a pound. Not too shabby for someone who barely weighed an ounce 10 weeks ago! Part of her growth spurt is likely because her stomach is now equipped to start absorbing energy-boosting nutrients from the amniotic fluid she's swallowing in there. (But most of your baby's nourishment is still coming directly from the placenta.)
Your baby's hearing is becoming even more fine-tuned now. In addition to making out your heartbeat, stomach rumblings, pulsing blood vessels, and your voice resonating inside the uterus, she can also hear sounds and conversations coming from the world outside of Mama. So have your partner chat her up regularly, too! This doesn't have to be nightly renditions of Goodnight Moon, by the way. You can each read regular books or mags aloud, sing along with the radio, or even just give baby a brief recap of your day -- especially all the parts where you couldn't stop thinking about her!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Wow doesn't express my surprise when I went to my local free clinic to have my yearly "women's" exam done. I just turned 36 on the third of this month and figured I should get the exam over with. They asked the standard questions, one of which was when was your last cycle. Well I haven't been "normal" for several years but when I told them when it was they instead that I do a pregnancy test. Well I went in the cup for them, they did the test, and yes it was positive. They told me to get dressed, go home, make some phone calls so I could get into an OB. Well all of this happened on the 12Th of this month. I went and made my calls and was able to get into the doctor yesterday. She figures upon exam that I am around 20 weeks. Needless to say this has been my easiest pregnancy so far. I didn't even suspect anything until around Thanksgiving when I felt the first flutters of life but immediately passed them off as gas. After all I am to old "right". Well I guess not. Needless to say I am excited because this child is a gift from God and I would never turn down one of his gifts. I go in on January 9Th for my ultrasound. I may take my kids with me, I am sure they will want to see once I tell them. I am waiting until Christmas Day. I am going to wrap up some baby stuff and give it to them as a present. I know my daughter will be happy about it, because about a month ago she told me she wanted me to have another baby. I guess she got her wish. I will keep you posted as to their reactions and what happens at my ultrasound. I am not going in to find out the sex on purpose but if the baby reveals it's self that is OK too.