This is a picture of one of the Chinese prefolds I have.
This is one of the Indian prefolds I have.

Here are the regular inserts for my bumGenius diapers as well as 6 small bummi super whisper wraps and 6 medium bummi wraps as well.
Well there you have it. It seems like I have alot of diapers, probably more than some, less than others, but what I have here should get me through potty training. To break it down this is what I have in my stash:
1) 36 Indian prefolds in newborn size
2) 24 Chinese prefolds in infant size
3) 19 bumGenius 3.0 pocket diapers (6 white, 6 twilight, 7 blossom), includes 19 newborn inserts and 19 regular adjustable inserts.
4) 6 bummi super whisper wraps in newborn (1 print, 5 white)
5) 6 bummi super whisper wraps in small (all white)
6) 6 bummi super whisper wraps in medium (all white)
In total I have 6 1/2 dozen diapers plus 1. 60 prefolds (5 dozen) 19 bumGenius diapers (1 1/2 dozen plus 1). Then I have a total of 18 bummi super whisper wraps to cover from around 6 pounds to 30+ pounds. The bumGenius are good from 8 to 35 pounds. I have purchased all of the diapers either from cottonbabies or the Montana diaper store. I have links to both sites in my side bar. I have had excellent service with both companies and highly recommend both. I bought the bummis from the Montana diaper store as they were bargain priced ($9.50) and first quality pieces.