Wednesday, December 26, 2007

21 Weeks

My Baby
By the end of this week, your baby will measure about 7 inches from crown to rump and tip the scales at nearly a pound. Not too shabby for someone who barely weighed an ounce 10 weeks ago! Part of her growth spurt is likely because her stomach is now equipped to start absorbing energy-boosting nutrients from the amniotic fluid she's swallowing in there. (But most of your baby's nourishment is still coming directly from the placenta.)
Your baby's hearing is becoming even more fine-tuned now. In addition to making out your heartbeat, stomach rumblings, pulsing blood vessels, and your voice resonating inside the uterus, she can also hear sounds and conversations coming from the world outside of Mama. So have your partner chat her up regularly, too! This doesn't have to be nightly renditions of Goodnight Moon, by the way. You can each read regular books or mags aloud, sing along with the radio, or even just give baby a brief recap of your day -- especially all the parts where you couldn't stop thinking about her!

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Wow doesn't express my surprise when I went to my local free clinic to have my yearly "women's" exam done. I just turned 36 on the third of this month and figured I should get the exam over with. They asked the standard questions, one of which was when was your last cycle. Well I haven't been "normal" for several years but when I told them when it was they instead that I do a pregnancy test. Well I went in the cup for them, they did the test, and yes it was positive. They told me to get dressed, go home, make some phone calls so I could get into an OB. Well all of this happened on the 12Th of this month. I went and made my calls and was able to get into the doctor yesterday. She figures upon exam that I am around 20 weeks. Needless to say this has been my easiest pregnancy so far. I didn't even suspect anything until around Thanksgiving when I felt the first flutters of life but immediately passed them off as gas. After all I am to old "right". Well I guess not. Needless to say I am excited because this child is a gift from God and I would never turn down one of his gifts. I go in on January 9Th for my ultrasound. I may take my kids with me, I am sure they will want to see once I tell them. I am waiting until Christmas Day. I am going to wrap up some baby stuff and give it to them as a present. I know my daughter will be happy about it, because about a month ago she told me she wanted me to have another baby. I guess she got her wish. I will keep you posted as to their reactions and what happens at my ultrasound. I am not going in to find out the sex on purpose but if the baby reveals it's self that is OK too.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Christians be aware of this movie

Subject: Warning -- bad family movie
Check out and read it foryourself. Hope you all pass this along. Take care.A terrible, (anti-Christian) movie called the "Golden Compass" will becoming out in early December, aimed at children and labeled as a familymovie. This movie is based on a series of books by an atheist British author(Phillip Pullman) whose goal in writing the books is to be the "Anti-Narnia"series and to lead children into atheism.The main villains in the series of books are the Magisterium, Cardinals, andthe Pope, and includes a heroine that is a young girl who sets out to killGod. The truly sick thing about the movie is that they have made it APPEARas if it is an innocent film, with exciting effects and a fairytale story.They have removed from the movie the appalling anti-Catholic/Christianthemes from the book. The goal of the movie is to hook unsuspecting familiesinto viewing the film so that children will then want to read the books (andprobably buy merchandise) . Nicole Kidman stars in it, and Scholastic Booksis behind it.The goal is to let as many people as possible know about this horrible filmand to have it bomb at the box office. The makers of the movie are hoping itwill be as big as Harry Potter or the DaVinci Code. Let's pray that itwon't! Please tell as many people as possible to avoid this terrible film.Thanks!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

My son and Fragile X testing

Well this past Monday I talked to my son's doctor and she had gone over his chart and no testing had ever been done, so she ordered the test for him and we went an got his blood draw on Wednesday. He was a trooper and did really well. He didn't wiggle (which is hard for him an ADHD kid) and he didn't flinch or cry. I am proud of him. The blood has to be sent out to our local children's hospital about a 100 miles away and we should know in a week or two if he has fragile X. If he does I am going to request that my daughter gets a genetic screening to see if she is a carrier. We will cross that bridge if my son is in fact diagnosed with the syndrome.

Round Ripple Patterns

Here's a link to a page with links to round ripple patterns. The most commonly used is the sew on fire and lynnes round ripple patterns, I hope this helps.
The sew on fire has a mistake in it on round 3, here is a link to chrome kittys correction.
Here is Lyn's round ripple pattern: This is the one I use all the time.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Fragile X Syndrome

The Top Ten Things You Should Know About Fragile X Syndrome
by Mary Beth Langan and Sally Nantais, July 2006

It’s genetic.

If a woman is a carrier, she has a 50/50 chance of passing it on to her son(s) or daughter(s). 1 in 100 to 200 women are carriers **.

If a man is a carrier he will pass it only to his daughter(s), and they will only be carriers. 1 in 800 men are carriers.

Fragile X Syndrome does not discriminate; it doesn’t care which ethnic group you belong to.

Fragile X Syndrome is a spectrum disorder. Symptoms may vary from mild learning disabilities (including shyness and social anxiety) to severe cognitive impairment (mental retardation).

Premature Ovarian Failure, more commonly known as early menopause, is a condition that affects 20-28% of the female FXS carrier population.

Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS), discovered in 2001, is a neurological disorder that can involve tremors, balance irregularities, difficulty walking and dementia which sadly is often misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s and/or Alzheimer’s. This condition is present in some older FXS carriers (typically after the age of fifty), usually in males but FXTAS can also affect female carriers.

There are minor physical traits noted in many persons with Fragile X Syndrome, but not in all. These are traits which may also be present within the typical population, nothing unique which would necessarily indicate FXS testing is necessary for your child.

When testing for Fragile X Syndrome (FXS), it is critical that the correct tests are ordered – the Fragile X DNA (Southern Blot) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests. Inaccurate results occur far too often with the generic chromosomal panel. Test for FXS to obtain a diagnosis or to rule it out. If you don’t have what may be the correct diagnosis of FXS, then you will never be aware of improved treatments or the cure when it’s found.

Where to go for the most accurate and up-to-date information on fragile X syndrome:, the National Fragile X Foundation, Fraxa Research Foundation, Conquer Fragile X Foundation

** American Academy of Family Physicians, News and Publications, Vol. 72/No. 1 (July 1, 2005)

Mary Beth Langan and Sally Nantais are both Fragile X Syndrome carriers; each have a son with Fragile X Syndrome and autism. They can be contacted at and

I took this from this page:

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Fragile X syndrome

I took my son to the doctor today to have his normal ADHD check up and she brought up the subject of genetic testing. She asked if any had been done on him. I said no. This is what she thinks he might have. I doesn't change who he is but would give some answers to all of the issues he has been having.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Beast

It's finally done and it is a beast. I estimate about 90 inches. I will give it to my pastor on Sunday. I know she will love it as it is her favorite color. It took a long time to do as it has been so hot here. July the average temperature was 95-104 all month. This summer just has been unseasonably warm. When it was so hot I could only work with it in the early morning and for only about an hour before the air conditioner couldn't keep up so I would have to put away until the next day. When it got close to done it would take about an hour to go around it so you can figure how long it took to finish. It is well worth it though. It will be my pastors appreciation/house warming/ birthday gift. I will post again with her reaction to it but like I said I know she will love it and know that God has blessed her.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

"God's Blessings"

Here it is Sunday again and I am able to make it to church despite not having a car and my normal ride being out of town at annual conference. Normally I call my pastor and ask her for a ride. I had to call a church member today though. He was back from his trip to Washington and was able to take me to church. My daughter is at the annual conference t0 and will be home some time tomorrow. Praise God for all of his blessings. My daughter got to go to annual conference despite us not having the money to send her.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My recent round ripples

These are some of my recect projects:

This was for a baby.

This was for a 3y/o girl

This one is almost done now and is for my pastor. It is very big. I am thinking around 90 inches when it is done.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My Church "Union Bethel AME"

Here is the church I attend. It is Union Bethel AME church. We are a small church but we are doing well as a church. This is an older picture of our church. Thanks to the generosity of our members the sanctuary has brand new stained glass windows. They are so pretty. As a church we have had our share of turmoil, but under the direction of our new pastor the Church is being blessed. She is truly a Woman of God. This is our pastor. The Reverend Mercedes Tudy - Hamilton.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Summer Camp

It's that time of year again. Girl Scout camp. In a week my daughter is going to Camp Scoutana. Here is the picture of her when we took her last year. This is a picture of the Nilan Reservoir that you go past just a couple of miles before you get to camp. The theme of her camp is "the Advanced Potters Wheel". She is very excited to go. She just loves it. Sure hope she makes time to write to us this year. I wrote her a ton last year and we never heard from her once. Pay all that money to send them away, and they don't even write to tell you if they are having fun or not.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Feild Trip

Well I went on the field trip with my daughter. We went to egg mountain near Choteau Montana, then we visited the dinosaur museum in Choteau and went to freeze out lake. It was an all day trip and we had fun. Even my daughter that didn't want me there had fun. We learned about Montana's native dinosaurs, we did science experiments with soil, and learned about the paleontologist who discovered egg mountain. His name is Jack Horner (I also learned he had dyslexia which was important because I am having my son tested later this month and I was wondering what his future would be if the test said he has it), he and a friend discovered the first baby dinosaur bones. I learned a lot on the trip and even got a little sun burned.

Monday, April 30, 2007

April 30, 2007 First post

My first post ever. I am getting ready to go on a feild trip with my daughters class. How fun. She is in fifth grade and doesn't want me to go but I told her teacher that I would so off I go.